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Bosch Fine Wire Staples, Type 53:
Xerox Staple Cartridge for Light Production Finisher
Leitz Power Performance K12 Cartridge
Leitz Power Performance K8 Cartridge
Ricoh Type K Staple Refill 15000 staples
Leitz 55690000
Leitz Power Performance P4 24/8
Leitz Power Performance P3 24/6
Leitz 55770000
HP Staple Cartridge Pack
HP 1000-staple Cartridge
Bosch 2 609 200 210
Bosch 2 609 200 229 staples 1000 staples
Bosch 2 609 200 230
Bosch 2 609 200 231
Bosch 2 609 200 205
Leitz Power Performance P3
Lexmark 35S8500
Canon P1
Canon N1